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How to Conduct Security with Unarmed Guards in San Antonio

Nov 18

A security guard in San Antonio, TX is a person employed to protect an individual or a group of people from potential threats. Unarmed security guards in San Antonio are often utilized for events that do not warrant the use of armed guards, such as community gatherings and business functions. Unarmed security guards can be helpful if you have concerns about safety for your event, but want to avoid the expense of having armed officers present at your function. In this article, we will discuss how unarmed security works and what they do at various types of events.

What are unarmed guards and what do they do?

Unarmed security guards in San Antonio are not armed with any kind of weapon. They function to monitor and watch over an area or building, whether it be a commercial real estate like a shopping mall, school campus, office building, etc., or residential property like apartment complexes. Unarmed guards can also provide escort services if needed for individuals on special occasions such as proms/homecomings at schools and weddings etc. San Antonio unarmed security guards have been observed to prevent robberies by being conscious of their surroundings when they are on patrol. Their presence alone serves as a deterrent against crime, frequently preventing the theft of personal items since criminals do not want others to see them commit a felony, so they will just walk away.

How to find the right security guard company for your needs

1st contact friend then uses Google to find Unarmed security guards San Antonio. If you are looking for the best Unarmed Security Guard Company in San Antonio, give us a call today! Our company offers Unarmed Guards trained with your specific needs and requirements in mind. Whether it is one guard or twenty, we will make sure you have exactly what you need when hiring our Unarmed Security Service. Call now to learn more about how we can help protect your business tomorrow by contacting us.

Why is it important to have an unarmed guard at your event?

Unarmed security guards in San Antonio are the most reliable and affordable option. We at Lone Star Security Services work with clients to provide them peace of mind knowing that their event is secure without the cost of an armed guard. Unarmed Guards can be provided as a deterrent by patrolling your event, or they can stand post inside/outside your venue making sure no one enters who isn't supposed to be there. Unarmed guards often blend into crowds more than armed guards because they wear regular clothes rather than a uniform which means that if someone does try something it's harder for them to tell whether or not this person is part of the staff.

What should I be aware of when hiring a security guard service in San Antonio?

Unarmed security guards in San Antonio should be licensed and insured. This will make you, your property and your home safe. Unarmed security guards in San Antonio must always have the proper training to carry a firearm or use any weapon that they might need. Unarmed guards are very limited on what weapons they can actually carry during their shift so it is important for them to know how to defend themselves with just their hands. Unarmed Security Guards In Texas Are Smart Choice For Your Business Or Home Unarmed security services San Antonio provide peace of mind knowing someone is watching over your business, employees, assets or family while you’re not there.


Ranger Guard and Investigations

125 Trillium Ln, San Antonio, TX 78213

(210) 966-9506