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Using Newsletters To Promote Your Cause

Dec 27

A newsletter is a straightforward notion. It isn't spectacular or very inventive, but it has had a significant impact on the library program. Currently, I send a monthly email to my stakeholders, which is a quick, effective, and simple method to explain what's going on in the library. When it comes to delivering a monthly email, there are four things I've noticed.


Shift in Culture

My program, like many library programs, has evolved in terms of what it symbolizes and delivers to students. A cultural transformation like this must be communicated, yet culture change takes time. I was able to offer concrete instances of what students were doing in the library by using a newsletter. These examples might also be provided on a regular basis without coming off as forced. This allowed people's perceptions of the library program to go beyond a location where students just checked out books over time. Instead, it evolved into a space where students' reading, information literacy, and technological abilities all came together to assist their learning.


Community Connection

Every newsletter email includes a section that highlights upcoming activities at public libraries. People will be able to see what the public library has to offer as a result of this information.


Connections for Collaboration

The newsletter is delivered to all parents, administrators, and teachers on a monthly basis. Others will be able to identify the links between library skills and their curriculum as a result of this. Furthermore, when teachers were motivated by what was communicated, collaborative classes were created.



It's difficult to find time as a busy librarian to reflect on what has been taught and what objectives pupils still need to learn. Writing a newsletter once a month forces me to pause and reflect on what has worked and where we should go from here.

Smore was used to make these newsletters. Smore gives an email link that may be readily shared. Smore is a fantastic resource since it is inexpensive, simple to use, and looks excellent when completed. I also like how it maintains track of information. I have statistics on how many people have visited the site and how long they spent reading the newsletter. It informs me of the most popular resources they've visited. All of this data aids in determining what information should be given in the future.

The essential point here is that advocacy may take numerous forms, and this is simply one that I find effective. What has proven to be effective for you?