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What Is The Solar System's Largest Planet?

Apr 15

Our solar system, which is located in the Milky Way Galaxy, consists of eight planets. The sun is the center of the universe, and all planets circle it. When Pluto was discovered in the 1930s, it was first believed that we had nine planets. Pluto was downgraded from a real planet to a dwarf planet in the 1990s. From biggest to smallest, this is a list of the eight planets:

Jupiter has a diameter of 142,800 kilometers and is the largest planet in the solar system (11.2 Times Bigger Than Earth)

In our solar system, Jupiter is the largest planet. It has a 142,800-kilometer diameter. Jupiter is so massive that it could accommodate all of the other planets in our solar system. It is the planet that orbits the sun in the fifth position. It was named after the Roman god-king. Gases like as hydrogen and helium make up the majority of its atmosphere. The ocean of liquid hydrogen that covers Jupiter's surface.

White, yellow, thick red, and brown clouds seem to be present on Jupiter. These clouds circle the earth at great speeds, spinning in the opposite direction as the planet spins on its axis. The Great Red Spot, which moves across the equator at a rapid pace and resembles a hurricane, is the greatest of these storms.

Jupiter's magnetosphere is roughly 20,000 times stronger than Earth's. In less than ten hours, Jupiter revolves on its axis quicker than any other planet. The collision of comets and asteroids has resulted in three weak rings on Jupiter, which are made up of dust particles. In 11.86 Earth years, the earth cycles around the sun once.

Saturn has a 120,660 km diameter (9.5 Times Bigger Than Earth)

Saturn is the second-largest planet in terms of size, with a diameter of 120,660 kilometers. Its rings aren't included in this radius. It's the sixth planet from the sun, and it's plainly visible to the human eye. There is no one individual who is credited with its discovery. Saturnus, the Roman gods, was given the name. It spins every 10 hours and 34 minutes on its axis and takes 29.4 Earth years to circle the sun. The first layer is largely comprised of ammonia ice, the second layer is mostly made of water ice, and the third layer is mostly made of a combination of hydrogen and sulfur.

The majority of Saturn's composition is hydrogen. It contains thin and widespread rings made up of ice particles and microscopic carbonaceous dust pieces. Asteroids, moons, and comets breaking apart in Saturn's neighborhood are assumed to be the source of these particles. The Earth orbits the Sun at a distance of 1,424,600,000 kilometers. Saturn has 62 known moons and is the flattest planet in the solar system, owing to its low density and quick spin.

Uranus has a 51,118 km diameter (4.0 Times Bigger Than Earth)

William Herschel, a British astronomer, is credited with discovering the existence of Uranus. On March 13, 1781, it was a once-in-a-lifetime discovery. Uranus is the seventh planet from the sun in terms of distance. With a diameter of 51,118 kilometers, Uranus is the third biggest planet. Its name comes from Ouranos, an ancient Greek sky god. Uranus has a rotational period of 17.24 Earth days. Uranus takes 84 Earth years to complete a complete circle around the Sun. Out of the eight planets known, Uranus and Venus are the only two that circle the Sun in a clockwise direction.

Uranus' surface is made up of ice to the tune of 80 percent. The abundance of water, ammonia, and methane ice in Uranus' outer atmosphere gives the planet a light blue hue. Underneath this higher atmosphere, there is a hydrogen and helium layer. Iron and magnesium silicate compose the planet's core.

Neptune has a diameter of 49,528 kilometers and is the fourth largest planet in the solar system (3.8 Times Bigger Than Earth)

Neptune is the furthest away from the Sun of all known planets. Johann Gall found it on the 23rd of September, 1846. Prior knowledge from a French astronomer called Urbain Le Verrier and a British astronomer named John Couch Adams aided the finding. It contains 14 moons and five weak rings as it circles the Sun in 164.79 Earth years.

Neptune is a hydrogen, helium, and methane-rich gas planet. Because methane absorbs so much red light in the atmosphere, Neptune appears to be azure blue in hue. Neptune was the name given to a deity whom the Romans believed to be the sea in Roman mythology. The majority of the planet's core is composed of rock. It is home to the Great Dark Spot, a large catastrophic storm. Neptune has a tremendously dynamic environment, with enormous storms and high-speed winds whirling about it. In 1989, the Voyager 2 was the only spacecraft that was deployed to Neptune.

Earth - 12,756 km in diameter

The planet Earth is the solar system's fifth-largest planet. It's also the planet that's nearest to the Sun. At least as far as we know, Earth is the only planet in the cosmos with life. Oceans encompass about 71% of the Earth's surface. All living organisms on Earth get their energy from the sun.

The Earth is a spherical in the strictest sense of the word. It measures 12,756 kilometres in diameter. The Mariana Trench is the world's deepest known location, with Mount Everest serving as its highest point. On Earth, there are around 7.6 billion people. The great majority of species that have ever lived on Earth are extinct, including the vast majority of those that have never been described.