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Dentist Kitchener - 6 ways to tell if you need a root canal

Nov 8

A root canal is a procedure that can be done to save your natural tooth. If you are experiencing excruciating pain in your tooth, have swelling or tenderness in the jawbone area, or if pus is draining from the tooth itself then you may need a root canal. Root canals are performed by an endodontist, who will clean out and sterilize the infected tissue within the pulp chamber of the tooth and create an access path for filling this empty space with dental composite material to prevent further infection. The patient’s mouth will also receive antibiotics during a root canal treatment to avoid any bacteria growth on their other teeth before they return home. In order to save as much of your natural teeth as possible, it is important that you seek professional care as soon as possible. There is nothing more frustrating than sitting in the dental chair and knowing that you’ve waited too long for treatment to fix your tooth. Here are 6 signs that you should not ignore:


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You have a toothache

A toothache may seem like a common problem, but it could be a sign of serious problems in your tooth. When you have an infected tooth, the nerves inside are damaged and that is what causes the pain. If you know which tooth is causing you pain, see if there is swelling on or around your jaw. Swelling can cause pain and tenderness to occur when biting down into food and sometimes even make chewing very difficult.

If the pain is severe enough to wake you up at night from sleeping then this could be a sign that an infection has traveled higher into your jaw bone area. This would need immediate attention because if it gets too close to your brain then surgery would be necessary for survival.

A root canal treatment is a safe and painless procedure that can be performed in one visit. If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, contact your dentist right away to make an appointment or to learn more about what root canal treatment entails.

If you are looking for an experienced and friendly dentist in Kitchener, Ontario, we invite you to visit our modern dental office today!

Your tooth has been chipped or cracked

If you have been experiencing pain from a broken or chipped tooth, it can be tempting to try to keep biting down and ignore the situation. But if you end up deciding to live with the pain until a root canal treatment becomes necessary, then you’ve probably waited too long. Too much pressure on teeth that are already damaged can result in loss of even more structure within the tooth and also cause damage to surrounding areas including gums, bones, and nerves (which all play an important role in forming a healthy bite). In order for a dentist to conduct a successful root canal intervention, he/she must first remove removable pieces of broken teeth before drilling into the pulp chamber area. This ensures maximum protection for remaining tooth structures and will result in a successful treatment if cared for properly. Excessive gum recession around teeth

A sunken gummy area is an indicator of periodontal disease. There are a multitude of reasons why a tooth may be exposed,


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  • Including poor oral hygiene – which can lead to plaque and tartar build-up
  • A weakened immune system due to existing health conditions
  • Age or genetics

As we get older, our natural abilities to fight infection begin to fade If you are experiencing excessive gum recession that causes pain when biting down or compromises the integrity of your bite, then it’s time for professional care. A root canal intervention may be able to save your natural teeth from further damage.

If the tooth is loose in its socket, it may be loosened further with biting pressure. You may also experience difficulty when speaking and eating foods that require chewing. If you are experiencing these symptoms then a root canal intervention may not only save your natural teeth but will also help to improve overall oral health if treated promptly.

Inability to brush or floss around the tooth

Excessive amounts of plaque and tartar build-up may cause your gums to recede from surrounding teeth. An infected pulp chamber within the tooth can also result in swelling, soreness, and tenderness around the area which can be difficult for patients to reach during daily care. This buildup might tempt many people into ignoring their dental hygiene routine until they can no longer reach the area with a toothbrush or floss. If you are experiencing problems brushing or flossing around an infected tooth, then it’s time to talk to your dentist about root canal care.

You may notice that the soft tissue within your gums has become unusually numb and is prone to bleeding when probed by a dental tool. This means that infection has made its way into the bone structure of the jaw and removing all traces from within this region will be required to ensure complete healing. When probing around an infected region you should expect minimal pain, since there is little or no feeling left in these areas. The numbness caused by decay allows germs to spread undetected until the damage is really bad. Pus or blood may bleed out from the area of your gum when probed, which can be an indicator that there are larger problems going on in your mouth.

Professional dental care is recommended to achieve a successful outcome for patients who have already begun experiencing signs of periodontal disease and/or are unable to clean around infected teeth due to lack of mobility or discomfort caused by swelling. If you want to maintain an all-natural tooth structure then it’s important to seek professional help before any further damage occurs and results in the necessity for root canal intervention procedures. Call our office today we’ll guide you through the process!

Gum Recession - Boeriu Implant Dentistry - Kitchener Dentist

The tooth is visibly inflamed inside

Having tooth inflammation may be an indicator that you need to start thinking about getting a root canal. This infection may be brought on by a cavity or natural deterioration of the tooth’s structure, though it can become an urgent issue when your gums are affected by the periodontal disease as well. A cavity is usually caused by excessive amounts of sugar in the diet that attacks enamel and leads to decay. Decay spreads throughout the teeth causing pain and discomfort which can eventually spread into the pulp chamber.

Licensed dentists recommend that you stay away from eating sweets as much as possible, especially if you have small children who still have baby teeth. Snacking on fruits instead of sugary foods will help to combat cavities to some extent and reduce the need for root canal treatment at an early age. Although rare, some people are born with teeth that are more susceptible to decay than others. This is most often noticed in children who have had problems from a young age and requires constant monitoring of their oral health status.

If you do notice that the pain has become unbearable or nerve endings no longer work inside of your tooth then it may be time to see our dentists about a root canal treatment plan. As soon as possible is always best when dealing with pain like this so don’t wait until you’ve begun to experience other complications before scheduling an appointment!

You should find relief after receiving professional care for your infected tooth, though there will be additional follow-ups required after the procedure is completed. To prevent any further damage due to infection or deterioration you should be brushing and flossing your teeth on a regular basis and scheduling dental visits every 6 months.

You can feel pain when biting down on the tooth

A root canal treatment may be necessary when you feel pain while chewing or biting on the infected dental structure. This means that your nerve endings have been affected and it will require intervention by a dentist to save your tooth from further damage. Decay can spread quickly through the teeth when left untreated since almost none of the symptoms are visible from the outside of the mouth.

The most common symptom of decaying teeth is pain, though there are others that you should be aware of as well. Infection can cause extreme discomfort which lasts for months at a time before being noticed by your physician, causing this type of infection to get worse and worse over time until intervention with professional help is required in order to recover completely. Not only does decay affecting hard tissues cause unbearable pain but it also causes a foul odor which is hard to mask with cologne or perfume.

You have a sharp, shooting pain when chewing food

Root Canals in Kitchener are often used as a way to save your natural teeth when decay has started reaching into the inner layers of enamel and dentin. You may have noticed that you feel pain when eating cold or hot foods; this is usually a sign that the nerves within certain teeth have become damaged and exposed. Your dentist will need to provide emergency treatment in order for these issues to be resolved.

If left untreated, a spreading infection can begin affecting other parts of the body, particularly the jawbone, facial bones, and gums which can result in more discomfort than just having an infected tooth. These symptoms do not go away on their own so it’s important to visit our office if you suspect root canal treatment might be necessary. An x-ray will be taken to ensure there is no infection spreading throughout the mouth and that the canals around your infected tooth remain strong.



Company: Sorin Boeriu DDS

Contact Name: Sorin Boeriu DDS

Contact Email: [email protected]

Contact Phone: +15195787830

Address: 866 Frederick Street, Kitchener, ON, N2B 2B8, Canada
