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Title IX Lawyers

Jun 20

We protect the due process rights of college and university students accused of sexual assault or misconduct. Our firm knows that a Title IX investigation and hearing could have significant repercussions for a student’s future education and employment prospects.

For example, our team successfully challenged a military school’s male-only admissions policy on the grounds of Title IX.


Under Title IX, it is illegal for schools that receive federal money to discriminate against students based on sex. The law also requires all schools to promulgate a complaint procedure for students who accuse faculty or administrators of sexual misconduct.

Colleges that violate the law can lose federal funding. A Title IX defense attorney will make sure your school follows its own policies and that you are treated fairly during the investigation and hearing process. Your lawyer will document all of your interactions with investigators, including text messages and other private documents that might be used as evidence.

Congress modeled Title IX after Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to eradicate discrimination in educational programs sponsored by recipients of federal financial assistance. This includes activities such as a forestry workshop conducted by a state park that receives federal funds; an internship program for social service caseworkers at a public agency receiving financial assistance from the Department of Health and Human Services; or a vocational training course in welding conducted for prisoners at a department of corrections receiving federal assistance.


Harassment is unwanted and hurtful behavior that occurs when an individual experiences unwelcome verbal or graphic actions based on his or her race, color, ancestry, national origin, religion or religious creed, age, disability or sex. Harassment can also be based on sexual orientation or gender identity or expression, intersex status, genetic information and maternity.

Our Long Island Title IX lawyers hold schools accountable when managers, supervisors or rank and file workers harass students and employees with disabilities. Our attorneys are also adept at challenging schools when they fail to protect students from harassment committed by non-employees such as clients, vendors or contractors.

When students receive Title IX complaints, many schools rush to judgment in order to avoid negative publicity and scrutiny from the U.S. Department of Education and courts. Without legal guidance during these proceedings, students are often subjected to life-altering penalties that threaten their future educational and career prospects. Our Title IX lawyers defend students against these allegations and will appear with them during their college's hearing to ensure they are afforded fundamental rights of defense.


Students who have been accused of sexual misconduct and harassment on college campuses often face invasive investigations and harsh sanctions. Our Long Island Title IX Lawyer Phoenix work tirelessly to provide legal guidance throughout these proceedings and protect students’ rights.

Intimidation is any behavior that makes another person fearful, whether it occurs face-to-face, by phone, text message, email, or through social media. It can be a civil or criminal offense depending on the severity of the behavior.

Many schools employ investigators who are inherently biased against men, which can lead to unfair outcomes in a Title IX case. A lawyer can conduct a thorough investigation of the investigator’s background, public statements, and social media to expose any bias that might exist. This could help prevent the accuser from attempting to circumvent the process in order to secure an outcome they desire. In addition, a Title IX attorney can ensure that you do not experience double jeopardy when the accuser appeals the outcome.


Retaliation is a form of discrimination that occurs when an employer takes negative action against someone because of the person’s participation in a Title IX investigation. Often, an employer will claim they are giving you a reason that is legitimate when in reality their real reason is to punish you for reporting the discrimination or harassment.

A Long Island Title IX lawyer can help you through the college retaliation process or a civil lawsuit brought against your school. They have the expertise, experience, and know-how to ensure you are afforded fundamental rights during the hearing such as the right to review statements made by witnesses and the accused, to cross-examine the accuser and witness, and to introduce documented evidence into your case.

An attorney can also help you by ensuring that the college has followed its own policies and the OCR guidance when conducting the hearing. This can prevent the college from rushing through the proceeding to avoid the media and possible federal enforcement action against it.




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